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THURSDAY, Aug. 2 (HealthDay News) -- Parents who want to increase the amount of exercise their children get should become more active themselves, according to a new study.

"It has long been known that parent and child activity levels are correlated," study author Kristen Holm, an assistant professor of medicine at National Jewish Health in Denver, said in a news release. "[This study] demonstrated that when parents increase their activity, children increase theirs as well. The effect was more pronounced on weekends."


 correlated: (adj.) 具關聯性的。

 correlate (KK [ˋkɔrə͵let]): 


1. A和B有關聯。( If one thing correlates with another, there is a close similarity or connection between them, often because one thing causes the other.   You can also say that two things correlate. EX. Obesity correlates with increased risk for hypertension and stroke. 

2. 使A和B有關聯、找出A和B的關聯性。 ( If you correlate things, you work out the way in which they are connected or the way they influence each other. EX. Lieutenant Ryan closed his eyes, first mentally viewing the different crime scenes, then correlating the data.)

 demonstrate (KK [ˋdɛmən͵stret] ): 


1. 證明 (= show, prove)。( To demonstrate a fact means to make it clear to people. EX. You have to demonstrate that you are reliable.) 

2. 表露、展示 (= show, display)。(If you demonstrate a particular skill, quality, or feeling, you show by your actions that you have it. EX.Have they, for example, demonstrated a commitment to democracy?.)

3. 示範操作。(If you demonstrate something, you show people how it works or how to do it. EX. The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a new digital radio transmission system.)


示威 (= protest) (+against+反對的事/+for+支持的事)。(When people demonstrate, they march or gather somewhere to show their opposition to something or their support for something. EX. Thousands of people demonstrated outside the parliament building.) 


The study, published in the July issue of the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, involved 83 families participating in a program designed to curb weight gain among overweight and obese children ranging in age from 7 to 14.


 curb (KK [kɝb]): (vt.) 約束、控制 (=restain)。( If you curb something, you control it and keep it within limits. EX.Inflation needs to be curbed in Russia.)


The parents and children in the program were encouraged to boost their level of daily activity by walking 2,000 more steps each day. Their progress was tracked with pedometers.


 pedometer (KK [pɪˋdɑmətɚ]): (n.) 計步器。


The study revealed that on the days mothers reached or exceeded the 2,000-step goal, their children took an average of 2,117 more steps. When mothers did not reach the goal, their kids took only 1,175 extra steps. The researchers pointed out that the children who were less active when the program started took more additional steps than the children who were more active.


 exceed (KK [ɪkˋsid]): (vt.) 超過、超出。(If something exceeds a particular amount or number, it is greater or larger than that amount or number. If you exceed a limit or rule, you go beyond it, even though you are not supposed to or it is against the law. EX. Its research budget exceeds $700 million a year...)


Overall, the researchers found that for every 1,000 additional steps taken by a mother, their child took 196 more steps. The researchers saw a similar pattern among the fathers and their children.

The researchers suggested that parents and children exercising together more often on weekends resulted in this increase in exercise.


參考字典:Collins Cobuild Dictionary 2006、Yahoo 奇摩字典




THURSDAY, Aug. 2 (HealthDay News) -- Parents who want to increase the amount of exercise their children get should become more active themselves, according to a new study.


"It has long been known that parent and child activity levels are correlated," study author Kristen Holm, an assistant professor of medicine at National Jewish Health in Denver, said in a news release. "[This study] demonstrated that when parents increase their activity, children increase theirs as well. The effect was more pronounced on weekends."


The study, published in the July issue of the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, involved 83 families participating in a program designed to curb weight gain among overweight and obese children ranging in age from 7 to 14.

這個發表於七月份《身體活動與健康期刊 》的研究報告對象有83個家庭。他們參加了一個專為7至14歲過重及肥胖孩童所設計的控制體重計劃。

The parents and children in the program were encouraged to boost their level of daily activity by walking 2,000 more steps each day. Their progress was tracked with pedometers.


The study revealed that on the days mothers reached or exceeded the 2,000-step goal, their children took an average of 2,117 more steps. When mothers did not reach the goal, their kids took only 1,175 extra steps. The researchers pointed out that the children who were less active when the program started took more additional steps than the children who were more active.


Overall, the researchers found that for every 1,000 additional steps taken by a mother, their child took 196 more steps. The researchers saw a similar pattern among the fathers and their children.


The researchers suggested that parents and children exercising together more often on weekends resulted in this increase in exercise.




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